Podcast -

Podcast with Eric Arrigo, Owner of HockeyRefShop.com

The Team Stripes Podcast had the recent opportunity to sit down and talk with Eric Arrigo of HockeyRefShop.com to discuss several different subjects. Eric has a pretty interesting story including as a player, as a referee, and as a referee entrepreneur and business-owner. As Eric tells us on the episode, he even had the idea to create a reversible referee/linesman jersey to make going to the rink a little bit simpler.

 Along with telling us about his experience creating his store and equipping referees, Eric also shares his experience with officiating, including how his experience as a referee helped him as a player. Additionally, Eric is a big contributor off the ice as well, having recently volunteered his time refereeing in some charity hockey tournaments for those in need.
Eric has a great message about giving back and helping out your fellow officials. We even got to talk about life as a referee in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois. It’s an episode you won’t want to miss, be sure to give it a listen below:
You can also find the HockeyRefShop at the links below: